“Hooray Pride” is a Proven Success!

With your help, we celebrated diversity and supported a good cause!

One of our founding principles was for everyone to be able to see themselves in our books. So naturally, we made sure that our first-ever books for both parents and couples would be appropriate for ALL parents and couples.

Knowing that there’s always more we can do to promote diversity, this year we launched our first-ever Pride Month campaign featuring these books. We’re now thrilled to report that – with your support – it was an overwhelming success! Read more about the campaign HERE.

Collaboration with OutRight Action International

From the get-go, we wanted there to be something super special at the end of our rainbow. Since this campaign was run across all 11 of our markets, we decided to donate $5, £5, or €5 from every sale to OutRight Action International. This organization works to advance the rights of LGBTIQ people all across the world. Learn more HERE.

Fantastic Figures

We’re bursting with pride to announce that this month-long campaign saw the combined sales of over 1,500 books for same-sex parents and couples. In addition to our books becoming a part of so many happy stories around the world, these sales also contributed to a total donation of nearly $9,000.

A huge thanks to all who helped make this possible – we look forward to expanding on this in the future!